Opposition Email List

Concerned Citizens In Opposition To Greenhaven

Email List for Greenhaven Opposition


Members of Governmental Affairs Committee (Decide if Bill passes or not)


Representatives – Email Phone
Representative Ed Rynders  404.656.6801
Representative Todd Jones  404.656.0213
Representative Shaw Blackmon  404.463.7853
Representative Rhonda Burnough  404.656.0116
Representative J. Collins 404.657.1803
Representative Barry Fleming 404.656.5125
Representative Micah Gravley 404.463.8143
Representative Joseph Gullett 404.656.0177
Representative Eddie Lumsden  404.656.5087
Representative Bee Nguyen 404.656.0314
Representative Mary Margaret Oliver 404.656.0265
Representative Alan Powell  404.463.3793
Representative Jay Powell 404.656.5141
Representative Renitta Shannon 404.656.7859
Representative Darlene Taylor  404.656.7857
Representative Robert Trammell  404.656.5058
Representative Scot Turner  404.656.0152
Representative Mary Frances Williams  404.656.0287
 Representative Rick Williams  404.656.0254
Representative Bruce Williamson  404.656.5024
House Rules Committee
Representatives – Email Phone
Representative Jay Powell                  404.656.5141
Representative Matt Hatchett                  404.656.5025
Representative Richard Smith                  404.656.6831
Representative Mandi Ballinger                  404.656.7153
Representative Tommy Benton                   404.656.5126
Representative James Beverly                   404.656.0220
Representative Shaw Blackmon                   404.463.7853
Representative John Carson                  404.656.7855
Representative Sharon Cooper                  404.656.5069
Representative Katie Dempsey                  404.463-2248
Representative Karla Drenner                  404.656.0202
Representative Chuck Efstration                  404.656.5105
Representative Barry Fleming                  404.656.5125
Representative Gerald Greene                  404.656.5105
Representative Brett Harrell                  404.656.5103
Representative Lee Hawkins                  404.656.7855
Representative Carolyn Hugley                  404.656.0109
Representative Mack Jackson                  404.656.0314
Representative Jan Jones                  404.656.5072
Representative David Knight                  404.463.2248
Representative Eddie Lumsden                  404.656.5087
Representative Chuck Martin                  404.656.5064
Representative Greg Morris                  404.656.5115
Representative Butch Parrish                   404.463.2246
Representative Alan Powell                  404.463.3793
Representative Terry Rogers                   404.651.7737
Representative Ed Setzler                  404.656.7857
 Representative Lynn Smith                  404.656.7149
Representative Calvin Smyre                  404.656.0109
Representative Ron Stephens                  404.656.5115
Representative Jan Tankersley                  404.656.7855
Representative Kevin Tanner                  404.656.9210
Representative Darlene Taylor                  404.656.7857
Representative Al Williams                   404.656.6372
 Representative Bruce Williamson                   404.656.5024